6 Types of Facials Explained

We all know that feeling when our skin is screaming for a little bit of extra love and attention. It's like our body is telling us that it's time to give it a break from our everyday lives and show it some TLC. And what better way to do that than with a facial?

Whether your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, or somewhere in between, there’s a facial out there made just for you. But with all of the different types of facials available, it can be hard to know which one is right for your skin type and your specific concerns.

In this blog post, we'll break down the six most popular types of facials, what they’re good for, and how often you should get one.


1. Classic European Facial

One of the most popular types of facials, the classic European facial is a restorative and relaxing treatment that leaves your skin looking and feeling refreshed. This type of facial is good for all skin types, but it’s especially beneficial for those with dry or sensitive skin.

During a classic European facial, your aesthetician will cleanse and exfoliate your skin before applying a custom mask. The whole process usually takes about an hour, and you’ll leave feeling like your skin has been given a new lease on life.

You should get a classic European facial once a month, although you can get one more or less often depending on your skin type and needs.


2. Anti-Aging Facial

An anti-aging facial is a great way to combat the signs of aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, and dull skin. This type of facial is usually tailored to your specific skin concerns, and it may include different types of treatments like microdermabrasion, LED light therapy, or even Botox.

If you’re looking to turn back the clock on your skin, an anti-aging facial is a great option. Just be sure to discuss your goals and concerns with your aesthetician beforehand so they can customize the facial to your needs.

The procedure itself usually takes about an hour, and you may need to schedule a series of treatments to see the best results. How often you’ll need to get an anti-aging facial will depend on your skin type and concerns.

You can get an anti-aging facial as often as once a week, although most people opt for one every two to four weeks.


3. Acne Facial

If you’re struggling with breakouts, an acne facial can be a great way to get your skin back on track. This type of facial is designed to deep clean your pores and reduce the inflammation that can lead to breakouts.

Acne facials usually include treatments like extractions, which help to remove the dirt and oil that’s clogging your pores. And while extractions can be a little bit uncomfortable, they’re incredibly effective at reducing breakouts.

Acne facials are usually safe for all skin types, but they’re especially beneficial for those with oily or combination skin.

It's always a good idea to talk to your aesthetician about how often you should get an acne facial, as they'll be able to tailor the frequency to your specific skin type and concerns.


4. Chemical Peel Facial

A chemical peel facial is a great way to improve the overall appearance of your skin. This type of facial uses a chemical solution to exfoliate the top layer of your skin, which can help to improve the tone and texture.

Chemical peel facials are available in a variety of strengths, so you can choose the level of exfoliation that’s right for your skin. And while a chemical peel facial can sometimes be a little bit uncomfortable, the results are definitely worth it.

You can get a chemical peel facial as often as once a month, but most people opt for one every two to four weeks. As always, be sure to discuss your goals and concerns with your aesthetician beforehand so they can customize the facial to your needs.


5. Microderm Facial

A microderm facial is a great way to improve the overall appearance of your skin. This type of facial uses a fine sandblaster to exfoliate the top layer of your skin, which can help to improve the tone and texture.

Microderm facials are usually safe for all skin types, but they’re especially beneficial for those with dry or sensitive skin. The reason being that microderm facials are much gentler than other types of exfoliating treatments, like chemical peels.

It's advised that you get a microderm facial every four to six weeks. However, you may need to schedule more or less frequent treatments depending on your skin type and concerns.


6. Hydra Facial

A hydra facial is a great way to improve the overall appearance of your skin. This type of facial uses a special machine to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate your skin.

A hydra facial is a great option for all skin types, but it’s especially beneficial for those with dry or sensitive skin. Hydra facial is a very gentle treatment that won’t irritate your skin. The way it works is by using a small, hand-held device to deliver a stream of water, which helps to remove any dead skin cells or debris.

You might need to schedule a series of hydra facials to see the best results. However, most people opt for one every four to six weeks.

The Bottom Line

There are a variety of different facials available, and each one offers its own unique benefits. However, the best facial for you will ultimately depend on your specific goals and concerns.

If you’re not sure which type of facial is right for you, be sure to consult with a professional. They’ll be able to assess your skin and help you choose the best facial for your needs.


ZZ Day Spa is a full-service day spa that offers a variety of different facials in Manhattan, New York. We offer a variety of different facial treatments that can help to improve the overall appearance of your skin. To learn more about our services, give us a call today at (212) 904-1552 and we'll be happy to assist you.


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