The 8 Ways Visiting A Spa Will Improve Your Skin - Number 6 Will Shock You!

Taking care of your skin is super important. The texture of your skin is one of the first things people will notice about you as you meet people face-to-face. As we go throughout the day, we are constantly shedding skin cells, so it is important to find ways to keep our faces fresh and in good condition. The best way to keep your skin from producing wrinkles, acne, pimples and blemishes is through a quality skincare routine. By practicing a good routine, you will appear younger, feel rejuvenated, have an improved mood, and you will feel a boost in your self-confidence. 

Before we get into the benefits that a spa will provide, there are several ways you can practice good skincare everyday. First, you can do so by establishing a healthy routine. A standard process includes cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, spot treatments, moisturizer, sunscreen, and sometimes an exfoliator. However, everyone’s skin is different so something that is needed for one person may not be necessary for someone else’s daily routine, such as a serum. Let’s discuss what each item is and why it matters:

Cleanser: The skincare process begins with cleanser and is used to clean or remove dirt, oil or makeup. With this product, you should wash your face lightly and with care to effectively remove any residue. Please note that if you have dry skin, you should opt for a cleanser that does not include alcohol. If you have oily skin, choose an oil-free cleanser. Then, conclude this step by rinsing your face with warm water.

Toner: This item provides an additional option to cleanse the face. It shrinks pores as well as moisturizes and refreshes the skin. This product is not necessary to add to your skincare routine and is a personal preference depending on the condition of your skin.

Serum: This is a lightweight product which contains active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, and vitamin C. According to L’Oreal Paris, they are typically used to address specific issues on the face like wrinkles, redness or dark spots.

Eye Cream: Apply around the eyes if you desire to minimize the look of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as keep your skin appearing more youthful for a longer period of time. Please note that this product should be applied gently to the skin area around the eye as this is a very sensitive and delicate part. Apply gently to protect your under-eyes and repair your skin barrier.

Spot Treatments: L’Oreal Paris defines this product as a cream, gel, serum or patch which is used to treat and reduce blemishes and post-acne scars or dark spots. The active ingredients they contain are designed to help reduce swelling, redness and inflammation. 

Moisturizer: If there is a definite product to include in your skincare routine, it should be a moisturizer. This item should be used each time you wash your face (even if your skin is typically oily). If your skin is oily, you can opt for an oil-free or gel product. A lightweight moisturizer can prevent acne breakouts and any buildup on the skin. They are great for hotter weather as they absorb into the skin quickly, it is not too heavy and you can apply makeup over it. 

Sunscreen: As you probably know, sunscreen is highly important to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the Sun, especially during the spring and summer seasons (but it should also be worn when the weather is cooler or cloudy). The best sunscreen to wear is one that has an SPF of at least 30. Wearing sunscreen has many benefits that you may not have known about beyond protecting you from sunburn. First, it helps to extend the life of collagen in the skin and protects your keratin and elastin, which prevent anti-aging and keep you looking more youthful. In addition to harming the skin, the Sun’s rays can cause damage to your eyes and immune system. Sunscreen also protects against broken blood vessels. Since the UV rays can cause damage to the skin, the blood vessels on your face can lead to bruising and bleeding. As a result, this becomes evident on the skin and may be hard to cover under makeup. Sunspots are also caused by UV rays, but the protective layer of sunscreen should shield your face from gaining sunspots. As demonstrated, sunscreen is a key product to use everyday. However, some sunscreens can cause allergic reactions, acne, or other issues. It is important to know which ingredients are in the product so that you use what works best for your skin.

Exfoliation is not necessary, but might be good to do during the colder months as it renews your dried skin which can reduce your chances of getting acne. Exfoliation unclogs pores, prevents acne, increases circulation and enhances the radiance in your skin. It also increases skin cell turnover, which means that as you remove dead or dry skin, you are replacing it with fresh and healthy skin cells, which can make your skin glow more.

Besides sunscreen, these products can be applied for both the morning and nighttime. When applying skincare, be sure to keep in mind that you should apply the lightest product first and then the heaviest last. According to dermatologist Shereene Idriss, MD, this is because thinner products cannot penetrate the thicker products. She notes that if you were to layer a serum (thin) over your moisturizer (thick), the serum would become ineffective as it cannot enter your skin when there is a barrier that is blocking it from getting to the area. 

By investing in good quality products, you will see your skin improve, you will feel fresher, healthier, and a boost in your confidence, you will fight the effects of aging, and you will truly get the most out of your money. Be aware that not all skincare products on the market are good quality. If you experience ineffective results such as infections, allergic reactions, or worsened problems, then stop using that product, consult a doctor, and find a better-quality item that is right for you.

In addition to a good skincare routine, there are other factors that play into the health of your skin. First, having a balanced diet contributes to healthier-looking skin. Drinking a lot of water is important as well, especially during the warmer months, as you lose fluids through sweating. Having a good sleep schedule can also improve your skin. This is because your skin builds collagen while you sleep which keeps your skin from sagging. By having a consistent sleep schedule, you will feel more energized in the morning, and so will your skin. Finally, another factor is cleaning your makeup brushes. This may seem obvious, but not everyone does this. By reusing dirty makeup brushes, this can cause acne breakouts. In the spring and summer seasons, the problem is worse as your skin is already more oily, so developing acne will become easier. Be sure to clean your makeup brushes and sponges before you apply them to your skin to ensure your face does not break out.

How Visiting a Spa Will Improve your Skin

Now let’s discuss the benefits that a spa has on your skin. Going to a spa not only helps your skin physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Here are the 8 ways that going to a spa will improve your skin. Number 6 may be surprising!

  1. Rejuvenates Your Body and Reduces Stress: Everyday life can be fast-paced, demanding, and requires a lot out of us, so being stressed is a common result of this. Stress can have negative impacts on the skin such as creases and acne. Going to a spa will free and calm your mind as you submerge yourself into the relaxing and tranquil environment. There are many spa treatments that are designed to heal the mind and body such as facials, saunas, massages and body scrubs. Once you leave you will feel refreshed mentally and physically, and ready to take on the day once again.

  2. Promotes Healthier and Younger Looking Skin: Did you know that a spa can have a direct influence on your skin’s health and appearance? Since spas can reduce stress and anxiety, this can protect against not only acne, but also premature aging. You will also have glowing skin as increased circulation and stimulation to the blood flow can help deliver oxygen and vital nutrients to the area.

  3. Improves Blood Flow and Circulation: To expand on point 2, receiving a relaxing treatment such as a massage can allow the blood flow to deliver the necessary oxygen and nutrients due to the physical touch that this service provides. In turn, this will help improve your body’s immune system because your vital organs such as your lungs, heart and muscles will be able to function properly. 

  4. Gives Smoother Skin: Receiving surgery is not the only way to achieve smoother skin–there are plenty of options that a spa provides which can help you meet your desired goal. This could be anywhere from receiving a relaxing facial that includes the nutrients your skin craves, or feeling at peace which will in turn make your skin healthier. An exfoliation treatment removes dead skin cells and replaces them with newer ones, which is how you can also get softer, smoother and glowing skin.

  5. Achieve Better Sleep Results: Having a good sleep schedule is key to having healthy skin. Sleep encourages more blood flow to the area which makes your skin tone appear more even; by not getting enough hours in, you may appear pale or blotchy. You will also receive fewer breakouts because when we do not get enough sleep, we may become stressed, which causes acne and pimples to appear. You may feel stressed from work and thus toss and turn at night, so going to a spa is likely to improve your mood and thus your sleep schedule during the evening.

  6. Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: At first glance this may seem surprising, but people who receive spa treatments are generally happy afterwards, which gives them feelings of positivity, self-love, improved mood, and confidence. This in turn will affect the way they approach communicating with others, how they see the world, going to important and intimidating meetings, and how they feel about themselves. Going to a spa benefits you and those around you, and it also helps your skin since feeling good within makes you feel good and glowy outwards.

  7. Releases Serotonin and Dopamine: Experiencing increased levels of these hormones makes you a happier person, and as a result less depressed and anxious. Being a happier person means you are likely less stressed, which would be great for your skin so you don’t develop acne or pimples. 

  8. Relieves Headaches and Other Pain: This may not directly have an impact on your skin, but if you experience headaches or pain in your back, for example, your skin might not be the best that it can be due to worrying. A massage or head and scalp treatment will target your pain points and ease your tension so that you will leave the treatment feeling lighter and more relaxed. 


There are many ways that you can achieve healthy, rejuvenated, and softer skin. A spa is one way and while it may be a once a month activity, it is sure to have lasting impacts on your skin and overall health. Whether this is through alleviating pain, receiving better sleep, improving your blood circulation and flow, reducing stress, or making you feel more confident, a spa day is sure to make you and your skin feel better. Practicing a good and high-quality skincare routine daily is also a great way to ensure you are feeling your best everyday and making your skin appear in the greatest way possible. All you have to do is give it the attention it deserves, and take care of yourself in the process.


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